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Osho Festivals 2025

 - 02.03.2025
Osho Music Festival
Osho Gangadham – Jaanaki Cottage, Lease No-52, Badrinath Road, Brahmpuri, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand
 - 04.03.2025
Osho Festival Argentina
Desde la famosa “Meditación Dinámica de Osho”, pasando por su prima hermana “Kundalini de Osho”, las meditaciones activas y pasivas estarán presentes como columna vertebral...
 - 16.03.2025
Spring Festival
Celebrate and rejoice with meditator friends. Rediscover a new love for life. A color-filled camp to celebrate and meditate in the Himalayas. Facilitator: Osho Himalayas...
 - 27.04.2025
Osho Festival - La grande Festa della Meditazione
Lo spirito che anima fin dalla sua nascita l’OSHO Festival è quello di dare vita a un Grande Evento internazionale in grado di generare un’onda...
 - 04.05.2025
Osho Festival für Meditation und Musik
Meditation ist ein einfacher Vorgang: Du beobachtest deine Gedanken, deinen Verstand, ohne gegen ihn anzukämpfen und ohne zu versuchen,ihn unter Kontrolle zu bekommen. Bleibe ein...
 - 26.05.2025
Dallas. With One Sky Band
 - 14.07.2025
Osho Festival Portugal
The OSHO FESTIVAL of Music and Meditation is a meeting place of all generations, diving into a magic world of music and silence, filled with...
 - 19.07.2025
Osho Risk Summer Festival
Our popular summer festival is a great way to come and experience Osho Risk in a friendly and lighthearted way. It is truly the highlight...
 - 03.08.2025
Summer Bliss Festival
Das einzige Festival mit Aktiven Osho Meditationen in der Schweiz 2024! Entspannen. In die Freude gehen. Das Leben feiern  |  ein intensiver 4-Tage-Prozess zur inneren...
 - 31.08.2025
Osho Meditation & Music Camp in Romania
There is a touch of magic in each Osho Meditation & Music Camp organized & facilitated by Kiran & Jivan & Friends. A space of...
 - 19.09.2025
Festival of Meditation and Conscious Living
The festival is your opportunity to try different methods and techniques of awareness and then use them in your daily life, Lose stress, fatigue and...
 - 07.12.2025
International Osho Festival in Bali
Imagine a place where meditation meets celebration; where live music harmonizes with the dance of your soul, and where silence is punctuated with joyful meetings...


 - 07.06.2025
Tantra Training Part One – Liberating Sexual Energy
Homa and Mukto are great friends with very different perceptions of life. These differences are the very thing that keeps their work fresh and alive....
 - 04.06.2025
OSHO Meditation In-depth and Facilitators Training
Before you start doing a technique, be fully alert that you have understood it. Each technique is for bringing about a revolution in you. First...
 - 08.07.2025
Twice Born Primal – Childhood Deconditioning
After graduating in Philosophy at the University of Rome, she worked and trained for several years with R.D. Laing, running one of his therapeutic communities...
 - 27.07.2025
Osho Born Again
Osho has this to say about the first part of the process: “Remember this: regain your childhood. Everyone longs for it but no one is...
 - 27.07.2025
The Art of Being® – Intensive
Du hast Bücher gelesen, Seminare besucht, Themen erkannt – und trotzdem gibt es da immer wieder diese Muster in deinem Innern, die dich irgendwie noch...

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 - 29.08.2025
OSHO Reminding Yourself of The Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind
An OSHO Meditative Therapy, in the early morning, one hour a day for seven days. A guided meditation process to remind yourself of the forgotten...
 - 31.08.2025
Einführung in die Primärtherapie
Dieses Seminar ermöglicht es dir, deinem inneren Kind zu begegnen und seine Prägungen zu verstehen. Authentische Lebendigkeit und kreative Lösungen für ein erfülltes Leben sind...

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Festivals, seminars, meditation camps, concerts, art events or any other event from the world of Osho.

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